27 September 2024

Pinoy Media 6 – “Choose Truth?” PH Journalists, To Celebrate World News Day, We Go Beyond Truth! Let Me Introduce You To My “THiNK! Journalism“

Today, Thursday, 26 Sept 2024, I see on Facebook the above post with the message from World News Day – “Choose Truth.”

What about “World News Day”? The website says (World News Day, worldnewsday.org):

World News Day is a global initiative to draw public attention to the role that journalists play in providing trustworthy news and information that serves citizens and democracy. World News Day takes place annually on September 28.

It’s 26 September 2024 as I write this, that is, 9 days after my birthday, 17 Sept. As a writer, I did not always think like this:

World News Day demands: “Choose Truth.” My immediate reaction is this: “Why not Choose Kindness?!” Kindness will never get anybody into trouble!

World News Day is presented by the World Editors Forum, the Canadian Journalism Foundation and Daily Maverick’s Project Kontinuum. Sorry. I have no problem with “World News Day” but I do have a problem with the slogan, “Choose Truth.”

“Choose Truth” – That speaks of Truth Journalism, the kind that won PH Rappler’s CEO Maria Ressa the Nobel Peace Prize in 2021. Sorry, not my kind of peace prize.

Now then, you can say that Frank A Hilario is not going after the Nobel; rather, the prize he is after is the Novel THINK Prize – after his THiNK! Journalism creed.

“THiNK! Journalism” is very much unlike Maria Ressa’s or anyone else’s Truth Journalism – the latter starts and stops at “Truth”!

You see: Truth Journalism cannot even pass the Rotary 4-Way Test:

1.    Is it the truth?

2.    Is it fair to all concerned?

3.    Will it build goodwill and better friendships?

4.    Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

My kind of journalism that I call ‘THiNK! Journalism” goes like this:

True? If True, is it
Helpful? If Helpful, is it
Inspiring? If Inspiring, is it
Necessary? If necessary, is it
Kind? THINK!

(bottom image from my collection)

To follow the World News Day’s mantra “Choose Truth” is to avoid being Helpful as well as being Inspiring and being Necessary and being Kind all at the same time! Not my kind of journalism.

Going on beyond today, I am pursuing Regenerative Agriculture (RA), that which is both Mother Nature-friendly and farmer-friendly. I can say RA is THINKing Agriculture:

True: RA requires minimum total costs, with no expensive chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides.
Helpful: RA requires no external inputs, only farmer crops, natural materials & methods.
Inspiring: RA encourages natural processes to proceed and produce healthy harvests of healthy foods.
Necessary: RA follows the laws of Mother Nature, all of them.
Kind: RA repays the farmer with maximum returns!

I hereby rename “Regenerative Agriculture” as “THiNK Agriculture” (TA) with these TA 13 practices:

(1) Cover Cropping, (2) Crop Rotation, (3) Farm Crops + Tree Crops (Agroforestry), (4) Green Manuring, (5) Intercropping, (6) Multiple Cropping, (7) No-Till Farming, (8) Organic Fertilization, (9) Ratooning, (10) Rotational Grazing, (11) “Three Sisters” Planting, (12) Trap Cropping, (13) Trash Mulching.


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Pinoy Media 7 – You Mind Duterte, Guo, Quiboloy Etc, But You Don’t Mind The 3 Million Poor Filipino Farmers!

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