26 September 2024

Pinoy Media 5 – As A Crusading Agriculturist, I Hereby Challenge 13 Media In The Philippines To Come Out & Fight Against Poverty Of 03 Million Filipino Farmers!

PH media, Wake up! If you truly care for the Philippines, I recommend a safe topic for activism on paper, and/or in the digital world, and/or in public for a fight for national PH sanity –

Down Farmer Poverty!
Up Farmer Prosperity!

To fight poverty, “Media 13,” PH media, I beg 13 of you to individually and/or commonly convince the PH Department of Agriculture (DA) to adopt officially the 13 practices under the concept of Regenerative Agriculture (RA) and to assign PhP 13 million to the whole “Media 13 Program.” Note: Where “media” means is (1) “tool for communication” such as radio, tv; (2) “material or method for growing something” such as soil, system, and technology (my examples). Each of the 13 practices under RA contains the media for growing a crop – the soil plus the weeds and/or crop refuse.

I think of each of my “Media 13” as a medium reinforcing the positive, as do indeed the 13 practices under RA:

(1) Cover Cropping, (2) Crop Rotation, (3) Farm Crops + Tree Crops (Agroforestry), (4) Green Manuring, (5) Intercropping, (6) Multiple Cropping, (7) No-Till Farming, (8) Organic Fertilization, (9) Ratooning, (10) Rotational Grazing, (11) “Three Sisters” Planting, (12) Trap Cropping, (13) Trash Mulching.

What about “13” as an unlucky number? Natalie Grice says in, “Why Do We Still Avoid The Number 13?” 13 June 2024, BBC, bbc.com): “(Cardiff University lecturer Dr Juliette Wood) believes it is essentially a media creation.” Media, you cannot be afraid of your own creation!

So, why don’t 13 media from the Philippines demand that the DA explain to the public why the department is silent about Regenerative Agriculture!

On the other hand, Pinoy media, let us convince the radical farmers and their sympathizers to demonstrate, not in the streets with placards and thereby endangering themselves physically – that’s not intelligent. But to demonstrate for what they need to rise from poverty, using science – that’s intelligent!
(Image sources: top, dreamstime.com; bottom ph.pinterest.com)

Think like this – Forget the expensive chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides (comprising Chemical Agriculture) that they have been using.

Instead, think of Very Low Costs-Very High Returns (VLC-VHR) farming, via Regenerative Agriculture. No, you have not heard of Regenerative Agriculture (RA), of course! Not even the heads of our PH Department of Agriculture (DA) want to talk about it! That tells us they are interested in their jobs, but not so much in serving the farmers, especially the poor!

From Poverty, the path to Prosperity is (I repeat from above): Very Low Costs with Very High Returns (VLC-VHR).

Let Media 13 call on the militants to demonstrate in the name of millions of poor Filipino farmers not against but to call the attention of the sleeping Philippine Rip Van Winkle-like Secretary of Agriculture Francisco Tiu Laurel Jr!

And how will the militants demonstrate their call for the PH government to elevate the farmers from poverty to prosperity? Good question!

Needed, MAN – Media Action Now!@517

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Pinoy Media 7 – You Mind Duterte, Guo, Quiboloy Etc, But You Don’t Mind The 3 Million Poor Filipino Farmers!

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