22 February 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI), like ChatGPT And OpenAI, Is Awesome! I Prefer Multiple Intelligences MI, Which Is Both Awesome & Wholesome

What “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) is, is an intellectual output served to you on a silver platter! Don’t you love it? You don’t have to think out the solution or resolution or whatever – all you have to do is learn to use “ChatGPT” or “OpenAI” and you have your dream come true in no time at all! That’s the Dream. 
(”AI” from shutterstock.com)

Filipino Robert Bagatsing writes about “Artificial Intelligence Disadvantages And Risks“ (gineersnow.com). Mr Bagatsing is Managing Editor and founder of GineersNow.

GineersNow says of itself:

GineersNow is the first and only online global community, news and TV network for engineers, tech innovators and changemakers. GineersNow has an average reach of 20 million engineers per month worldwide, comprising of community members, social media followers and website audience. With over 2 million engagements per month across its website, social media, newsletters, digital magazine and blogs, GineersNow is by far the largest community of engineers.

Above, Mr Bagatsing says his online magazine GineersNow reaches 20,000,000 (million) engineers per month worldwide, what with Artificial Intelligence (AI) “becoming a hot topic in technology and innovation.” He says, “AI refers to the ability of machines to mimic human intelligence and perform tasks such as logical reasoning and decision-making.”

He also says, “One of the major disadvantages of AI is its lack of creativity. Machines cannot think outside the box or develop novel solutions to problems; they rely solely on pre-programmed algorithms, which can lead to inflexible outcomes. Additionally, an algorithm may be biased towards certain information or data sets if it’s not programmed correctly, potentially resulting in unfair decisions being made.

Me, as a teacher and at the same time a self-taught creative writer, editor, and desktop publisher (DTP, the person), instead of AI, I much prefer MI. “Multiple Intelligences” (MI) is the educational theory of Harvard professor Howard Gardner and consists of 9 intelligences (my preferred list, alphabetically arranged):
(“MI” from goodparentingbrighterchildren.com)

1. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (“Body Smart”)
2. Existential Intelligence (“Life Smart”)
3. Interpersonal Intelligence (“People Smart”)
4. Intrapersonal Intelligence (“Self Smart”)
5. Mathematical-Logical Intelligence (“Number/Reasoning Smart”)
6. Musical Intelligence (“Music Smart”)
7. Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”)
8. Spatial Intelligence (“Image Smart”)
9. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence (“Word Smart”).

MI is an old acquaintance. I wrote of MI as early as 16 years ago, 2007 (see my book “Team ICRISAT Champions The Poor”, pdf: https://oar.icrisat.org). As I understand MI, in each of us lies any combination of those intelligences. Me, I’m #9.)

And AI? It is only #5 in the list above; it is all mathematical-logical – so, how intelligent is Artificial Intelligence? AI is all number/reasoning smart – so, how smart is AI?

With AI, as a teacher I cannot teach anyone to be any of the 9 smarts!

And today, how can I teach Kindness to anyone via AI? Kindness is not Artificial Intelligence – it is beyond logic, and that is why it is so smart! As a digital writer, editor and desktop publisher:

Not AI but MI – and give me Kindness anytime!@517



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