15 August 2024

“DA aims for higher rice production under the MaSaGaNa Rice Industry Development Program” (above) – Assuming we Filipinos do the best with the MaSaGaNa Program (“Bountiful Program”), we are not doing the best we can! The lower image gives you a hint of why: “Poverty Alleviation.” MaSaGaNa does not address the poverty of millions of Filipino farmers! 
(Poverty Alleviation” image from news.cgtn.com)

Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024, this news by ANN: “DA Aims For Higher Rice Production Under The MaSaGaNa Rice Industry Development Program” (Author Not Named, 06 Aug 2024, Department of Agriculture, da.gov.ph). ANN says:

The Department of Agriculture is undertaking a comprehensive review of its (MaSaGaNa Program), aiming to significantly … meet self-sufficiency goals, increase farmers’ incomes, lower consumer prices, and potentially enable the country to export rice again.

The aims one by one:
(1) increase rice production
(2) become self-sufficient in rice
(3) increase farmers’ incomes
(4) lower consumer rice prices
(5) enable PH to export rice again.

(1) increase rice production
Easy! Choose the best varieties – biotech, hybrid, heirloom, inbred – and support farmers financially and technologically, and we will increase rice harvests up to 100%!

(2) become self-sufficient in rice
With (1) aim achieved, we Filipinos will have self-sufficiency in rice, yes. No more imported rice!

(3) increase farmers’ incomes
Oops! To increase farmers’ incomes, you have to decrease total costs of production to increase net returns. How do you do that? Note that the chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides farmers use are very expensive, so, as long as farmers continue to use such chemicals, they will continue to suffer relatively high costs and low returns – their poverty will continue.

(4) lower consumer rice prices
Continuing with relatively high costs of production, it will be a continuing challenge to lower rice prices. The only reasonable way to lower rice prices is first to lower their costs of production.

(5) enable PH to export rice again.
Yes, we can do it!

Now, what is missing there? MaSaGaNa is assuming there are no severe damages to farms from Climate Change in the forms of “El Niño” and “La Niña”!

The current slogan of the Department of Agriculture (DA) is: “Masaganang Agrikultura, Maunlad na Ekonomiya!” My translation: “Bountiful Agriculture, Progressive Economy!” But that assumes that El Niño and La Niña will not turn from bad to worst because of Climate Change – because farmers insist on Chemical Agriculture that generates greenhouse gases (GHGs); that is to say, right now:
Our Agriculture is the enemy of Our Agriculture!

Now therefore, we have to resort to Regenerative Agriculture (RA). There should be no problem with RA because farmers are familiar with most of these practices:

1, Cover Cropping
2, Crop Rotation
3, Farm Crops + Tree Crops (Agroforestry)
4, Green Manuring
5, Intercropping
6, Multiple Cropping
7, No-Till Farming
8, Organic Fertilization
9, Ratooning
10, Rotational Grazing
11, “Three Sisters” Planting
12, Trap Cropping
13, Trash Mulching.

Yes, we have to change Climate Change!@517

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