19 July 2024

New Edu Sec Sonny Angara, “Welcome To The Chaos!” From Zara. To Clear The Intellectual Chaos, Let’s Wage A Nonfight Against Artificial Intelligence (AI) Using “Human/e Intelligences (HI),” Plural

Sir Sonny, it is easy to blame people for resorting to Artificial Intelligence (AI) for “their outputs” in any/non-intellectual fields – but, we are not being intelligent there! In the first place, they are guiltily happy there.

Instead, let us help everyone, from Grade School to Grad School, including the employed, unemployed, out-of-school – to learn where their individual geniuses lie, following the universally accepted theory of “Multiple Intelligences” (MI) by Harvard psychology professor Howard Gardner, outed in 1983 yet in his book “Frames Of Mind.”

What I am recommending to you, borrowing from MI, is for your department, Sir Sonny, to initiate the fast shift of interest from AI to MI by popularizing MI+1, the list of which is this:

1. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (“Body Smart”)
2. Creative Intelligence (“Thinking Smart”), added by FAH
3. Existential Intelligence (“Life Smart”)
4. Interpersonal Intelligence (“People Smart”)
5. Intrapersonal Intelligence (“Self Smart”)
6. Mathematical-Logical Intelligence (“Number/Reasoning Smart”)
7. Musical Intelligence (“Music Smart”)
8. Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”)
9. Spatial Intelligence (“Image Smart”)
10. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence (“Word Smart”).

The above HI list shows, not only indicates, that everybody can cultivate one’s own genius or smart from any of those 10 fields – and that is where DepEd can initially and immediately help by publishing more data and information on HI.

Yes, we can call CHEd’s media project, digital & print, “Frames Of Mine.” Online and in print, DepEd will champion 11 kinds of geniuses – and the Philippines will be the first genius country to champion human/e intelligences!

DepEd’s first targets are members of the Philippine Association of State Universities & Colleges (PASUC). Wikipedia says there are 102 PASUC members under the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) (WIKIPEDIA, en.wikipedia.org/wiki). (Special note: PASUC includes as member the Don Mariano Marcos State University, named after the grandfather of President BBM.)

Our slogan would be: “Human/e Intelligences.”

After an initial funding, the DepEd’s Human/e Media will be self-sustaining.

I am volunteering digitally as The Editor In Chief with my vast experience including:

(a)    Founding Editor of the 3 FORI publications: monthly newsletter Canopy, quarterly technical journal Sylvatrop, and quarterly color magazine Habitat – 1975-1980.

(b)    The Editor In Chief of the Philippine Journal of Crop Science (PJCS) published by the Crop Science Society of the Philippines (CSSP) in Los Baños, 2000-2007. The PJCS was late by 3 years in its issue when I took over; when I got out, the journal was already in the international elite list called “ISI” (now “Web of Knowledge”). Digital speed & Quality always works for everybody!

(c)     Writer From Home (WFH) for the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 2007-2014. ICRISAT published 7 books of mine based on my writings.

I hereby confess:
Even my son is publicly selling the idea of AI – To each his own.

But as a stubborn father, I insist:

AI is self-satisfying.
HI is self-fulfilling.@

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