20 July 2024

“IQs” – INQ, How About Sponsoring Multiple Intelligences (MI) As One Of Your Media Outlets, And Your Accomplishments Should Multiply A Million-Fold!


INQ. You, Philippine Daily Inquirer, has gotten your act together and multiplied yourself digitally. Genius! You have been “The country’s leading journalistic voice for more than 30 years” now.

INQ, now you’re talking about “4 Types Of Innovation” (lower image). The 4 Types of Innovation are: “Breakthrough Innovation, Sustaining Innovation, Basic Research, and Disruptive Innovation.” With my editor’s eye, I see “Basic Research” does not belong there, but I’m not complaining.

Rather, I am challenging INQ to explore and exploit the world of Multiple Intelligences (MI) to educate all Filipinos on the need for each one of us learning one’s own inborn intelligence, which is any of the following (from Harvard professor Howard Gardner’s now-accepted Theory of Multiple Intelligences):

1. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (“Body Smart”)
2. Creative Intelligence (“Thinking Smart”), added by FAH
3. Existential Intelligence (“Life Smart”)
4. Interpersonal Intelligence (“People Smart”)
5. Intrapersonal Intelligence (“Self Smart”)
6. Mathematical-Logical Intelligence (“Number/Reasoning Smart”)
7. Musical Intelligence (“Music Smart”)
8. Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”)
9. Spatial Intelligence (“Image Smart”)
10. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence (“Word Smart”).

10 IQs.

I propose that INQ create a new media, which I will tentatively call “IQs,” with me as, digitally, The Editor In Chief.

Who am I to be boldly doing this? One of your esteemed columnists, Cielito F Habito, knows me personally, as I sent a handful of my children to his and wife Pilar Relova-Habito’s Cahbriba Alternative School in Los Baños, Laguna, years ago. Cahbriba espoused Multiple Intelligences.

Neenah is now a dance innovator. Her Facebook page says, “Co-Creator at Back2Skool PH.” & “Dance Teacher & Core Team Of Dancehall Manila.”

Graciela is now a teacher at Potter’s Place School located in El Nido, Palawan. Potter’s Place is aiming to be another MI school.

The digital media “IQs” I am proposing will have as target audiences all the schools in the Philippines, from Grade School to Grad School – not to mention professionals already employed and wishing to improve their intellectual lives.

Such types of educational services are nowhere seen anywhere in the world – I have always been an original original.

For one, in 2011, I was chosen as “Outstanding Alumnus For Creative Writing” by the UP Los Baños Alumni Association – and, so far, I am the one-and-only such alumnus of century-old UPLB.

For another – and this is easily verifiable – the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) published 7 books of mine as its one-and-only Writer From Home, 2007-2014. PH Ex-Secretary of Agriculture William Dar was Director General of ICRISAT at that time.

I was The Editor In Chief who catapulted the Philippine Journal of Crop Science (PJCS) published by the Crop Science Society of the Philippines from 3-years late in 2000 to up-to-date in 2006, and included in the international elite list “ISI” (now “Web of Science”) in 2007!

ICRISAT and PJCS – those books and journal issues were all digital, by me.

That is all to say that my hands have digital wisdom & my mind has exceptional intelligence!@517

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