22 April 2024

Facebook – The Album Of The World. Thank You, Mark Zuckerberg!

Facebook – Happy sharings on holidays taken, birthdays, trips, vacations, little discoveries, family members marking milestones. Unhappy sharings to ease the pain. What would I/you do without Facebook? We would be lost in the woods of words! 
(bottom image from theverge.com)

At 83+, and being a person with disabilities on the feet (both), eyes, ears, waist and middle, but always a digital nomad, I spend hours and hours on Facebook – and then I spend more hours blogging. And announce each blogpost on Facebook.
(top image with me at left, grabbed from Facebook)

I also browse Facebook slowly to get ideas for my blogposts, to read and read and read Facebook entries, and respond to some. Always positively, I intend to be.

On Facebook, you don’t have to be a writer to post anything: image and/or text/message, singular or plural. And you can do it repeatedly, no charge. What would the world do now without Facebook?!

Facebook is not only for showing Faces but also for also for sharing Phases of one’s (or one’s family) life/lives; Facebook is also for asking questions, whether you know the answer or not, either to provoke or to be informed. (Intelligently: No, you don’t take anybody’s word for it – there is always the wide, wonderful, open world of googling to know more or less!)

Facebook is for local, national and international views and reviews. If your mind is open, you will learn or unlearn. Personally, I always check on the Internet either on what I do not know or understand. (I browse also for images, of course, with proper acknowledgement of sources.)

Whoever or whatever you are, whether ambulant or not, Facebook is a good medium for your thoughts travelling, sharing with people at large. The way you share is the way you get treated – positive or negative.

What is the best thing I can say about Facebook? That Facebook is open – also opinionated – frank, revealing, informative, contrarian. In any case, you can always google and check out any claim or opinion or straight statement.

Personal note: When you share something, it does not help you if all you show is your face! No matter how beautiful you are, your face becomes a disturbance after several posts or shares. Why not beautiful thoughts, even if they are not original? (Just be sure to acknowledge your source/s.)

Whether you are acting intelligently or in the absence of thinking (which you may or may not realize), Facebook is a good medium for sharing what beautiful and/or non-beautiful thoughts. Facebook is for sharing opinion, pro or con.

Whatever you are sharing and no matter how you state it – please be positive and nice! – it’s your opinion and you are entitled to it, but so am I entitled to my opinion of your opinion!

My final plea: “Please don’t be negative. Corrective yes; comparing another perspective, yes; presenting another starting point, yes – but not outright negative.

Finally: In case the owner, Mark Zuckerberg/Meta changes the name “Facebook” to “Meta,” I say that that would mean Facebook’s Death!@517

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