23 April 2024

Dancehall – Dance, Dance On Little Girl!”

“Female Dancehall” – for females only. “Open Dancehall” – for males & females. It’s not the sex being emphasized; it’s the dance. The image above is from my daughter Neenah Hilario-Jacinto’s Facebook post that I saw today, Monday, 22 April 2024. I did not know this, but dancehall calls for creative dancing!

In Jamaica, let us continue the interesting history of the dancehall:

Themes of social injustice, repatriation and the Rastafari movement were overtaken by lyrics about dancing, violence and sexuality. … The radio was very conservative and failed to play the people's music. It was this gap that the sound system was able to fill with music that the average Jamaican was more interested in. (There) was the addition of the fashion, art, and dance that came along with it. This made Dancehall both a genre, and a way of life.

Let me repeat: In Jamaica, “People’s music…. Alongside this music was the addition of the fashion, art, and dance… This made Dancehall both a genre, and a way of life.”

That is to say, dancehall also shows a way of celebrating life!
(“Just Dance” from shutterstock.com)

What is dance? Jessica Hitch says (Study.com, study.com):

Dance is a form of creative expression that involves moving the body in rhythm [with] musical accompaniment.

Dancers might communicate emotion through dance or use dance to enjoy the experience of being in a physical body. … In order to meet the dance definition, a movement needs expressiveness rather than just functionality.

ANN says (Author Not Named, 2022, “What Is Dance?” Louis, louis.pressbooks.pub):

Painting, sculpture, and architecture are arts that exist in space. It is through the design of space that these arts are created. Dance is the only art that is a creation in both time and space.

I want to repeat that: “Dance is the only art that is a creation in both time and space.” Dancehall specially calls for creative dancing. You create your own dance – from your passion, desires etcetera: all that which you can display with your pleasure to create in your viewer their pleasure.

Wikipedia says the cultural origins of dancehall is Jamaica (“Dancehall” (Wikipedia, en.wikipedia.org), especially Kingston. “By the 2010s, it began to heavily influence the work of established Western artists and producers, which has helped to further bring the genre into the Western music mainstream.”

That is to say: Dancehall is both music and moves, both for the eyes and ears. Dancehall is not simply the special dance; it is also the special music.

Dancehall is named after Jamaican dance halls in which popular Jamaican recordings were played by local sound systems. It both refers to the music and dance style.

I repeat: “Dancehall both a genre and a way of life.” If you are true to the nature of dancehall, you will dance to show your way of life!
(“Just Dance” from shutterstock.com)

“Don’t use your energy to worry. Use your energy to love, create, grow, evolve, manifest, and uplift” is Aimee Emejas’ Facebook sharing today. Remember all that. Now then, come on to the dancehall and dance!@517

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