16 January 2024

How Good Is “Sustainable Capitalism” AKA “Creative Capitalism” Vs “Regenerative Capitalism”?

I am in hot pursuit of the idea of development. For you to see where I’m coming from now, I will quote the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Christian Bible: “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.” I see: “Pursue peace” and “Pursue holiness” – you have to pursue peace in terms of all people, or you will never see peace; likewise, you have to pursue development in terms of all life, or you will never pursue development.

I never heard anyone ask, “How good is ‘Sustainable Development’ or ‘Creative Development’ compared to ‘Regenerative Development’”? I think the best way to ask the question is this: “How good is ‘Sustainable Capitalism’ or ‘Creative Capitalism’ compared to ‘Regenerative Capitalism’”?
(Images: “Sustainable” from linkedin.com, “Creative Capitalism” from goodreads.com, “Regenerative” from inc.com)

If you look at the middle image, you can easily equate “Creative Capitalism” (image from goodreads.com,) with the lives of billionaires like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. You want to be a millionaire, right?

Not to be outdone, if you look at the bottom image (from Incinc.com), you can also equate “Regenerative Capitalism” as supporting all forms of life, not only people but trees, forests, animals, marine life. That is how you will pursue peace & prosperity in all the world, not only with people!

Maureen Kline says, “Let's All Get Behind Regenerative Capitalism” (incinc.com):

Capitalism has never been static, and it continues to develop. It has evolved through the Industrial Revolution, been shaped by Hayek, Keynes and Milton Friedman, and weathered the Lehman Brothers collapse. Now the excesses of economic inequality and atmospheric carbon are provoking a backlash that could lead us into a more equitable, conscious capitalism than we have been used to.

Meanwhile, Minou & Parnela say (23 Sept 2021, The Green Sprintthegreensprint.com):

The Green Sprint is one of those asserting the need to be “Going Beyond Sustainability. The Shift To Regenerative Capitalism & Post-Growth.”

… Once we created a sustainable world and achieved all the Sustainable Development Goals we can call it quits right? Unfortunately not. Achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development goals would be already a tremendous achievement. But we all know that if [we] truly want to give humanity a chance to thrive on this planet, we need to go beyond “sustaining” and start regenerating.

The Green Sprint differentiates them:

Sustainable Development: “Meeting needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs” – Brundtland Committee

Brundtland Committee: “Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.” What the Brundtland Committee missed is that the needs are not only of people but all life! So, revised version of development, from me learning from The Green Spirit:

Regenerative Development: “Meeting present needs of all living organisms without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own living needs.”

Look at the bottom image again; with “The Green Spirit,” we can begin constructing the desirable world now, today, pronto!@517

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