08 January 2024

2024 Is A Year Of The Dragon – I Dragon Am Trying To Slay The Monster Called “Ignorance” In Agriculture

Above yes, enchanting image, if “primitive.” No, this is not merely about zodiac signs; I was surprised myself when I browsed Christine Refresca’s post above because I am a Virgo – note the words at the bottom of the image: “Higher Dimensions.” Yes, there is a higher dimension than just our birth years!

This one started when I saw Christine’s sharing of Thursday, 04 Jan 2024, from post of Higher Dimensions – I’m more than interested because I was born in a Year of the Dragon – 1940 – and I quote, from Anil B:

Higher Dimensions  ·

2024 [–] the year of the dragon, a symbol steeped in ancient mythology, embodying power, strength, and resilience. In many cultures, the dragon represents auspicious energy, vitality, and potent forces of change. … Embracing these qualities can be a guiding light for personal growth and collective progress…

“The dragon … embodying power, strength, and resilience” – what I dragon have been experiencing in my 83 years of existence is that I have the power of words & ideas; by teaching myself, I have the strength of the digital media exploring the universe of knowledge (and ignorance); and I have resilience, thank God.

“For personal growth and collective progress” – you will note that this essay appears in my blog “Communication for Development of Vibrant Villages” (ComDev2), the name which should tell you why I blog, blog, blog! I have been blogging in the last 23 years. I googled and now I am looking at my article “Primate Change? Or Climate Change?” published by the now-defunct American Chronicle and re-blogged by me (31 March 2007, American Frank, wordpress.com). (American Chronicle did not pay.) Today, I insist, “Only Primate Change can change Climate Change!”

I quote again from Anil B:

Courage in Goals: Set ambitious yet achievable goals for yourself. Whether they're career aspirations, personal development milestones, or health objectives, dare to dream big and work towards them with unwavering courage.

Mine is ambitious social goals, as you can discern from the very name of my latest blog: “Communication for Development of Vibrant Villages.” This essay is the latest version of my own creation, “Primate Change? Or Climate Change?” Answer: Both, but Primate Change first!

Again, from Anil B:

Bravery in Change: Embrace change with an open mind. Sometimes, the most significant growth comes from stepping into the unknown. Be open to new opportunities, experiences, and perspectives.

I must convince Filipinos to have an open mind and be brave. Especially the leaders of Filipino farmers who have been laboring with Chemical Agriculture (CA) since the birth of my alma mater UP College of Agriculture, now UP Los Baños, in 1908. CA is the harbinger, nay bringer of Climate Change! – with the chemical fertilizers generating greenhouse gases (GHGs) and the GHGs collected in the atmosphere generating more of Earth’s heat resulting in damaging Climate Change!

“Applying these qualities to the New Year involves introspection and action,” says Anil B. Today, I say, “Time for introspection, time for action!”@517

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