15 July 2021

“The Mathematics Of Life” & “The Formula Of Love” – According To Frank A Hilario

Above, note that I creative writer have revised the well-known maxim authored by Unknown that says, “The Mathematics of Life is NOT the multiplication of wealth, but the division of tasks, the subtraction of greed and the addition of true love and humility[1].”

Before I came up with my version, I saw “The Mathematics of Life” uploaded by Come Out & Shineon Facebook. Now that I have finally confronted it, I note that (1) there must be multiplication of wealth, (2) greed should not be emphasized; in fact, it should be suppressed individually, and (3) if you have true love, then you have humility. Given all that, my revised version is this (above image):

“The Mathematics of Life is the Division of Wealth after all the Addition of Inspiration, Multiplication of Tasks, plus Subtraction of Disparity.” It is for the Social Good, for Wonderful Lives, plural.

Addition of Inspiration:
Inspiration is what is missing in this world – and each of us needs it in the first place. Everything we do must be inspired by a greater goal for a greater good. You cannot fully inspire if you don’t have true love at heart. Inspiration is blind, and an inspirer cannot see!

Division of Wealth:
The original definition says, “The Mathematics of Life is NOT the multiplication of wealth” – ah, but what is Society to do if it does not multiply wealth even as its Population multiplies in number and needs?

There should be multiplication of wealth so that there is something to be divided among members of a group or of society in general. The wealth multiplied must be distributed according to the tasks that brought it to life – as well as the needs of society for its growth and development.

Multiplication of Tasks:
There should be allowed any multiplication of tasks, as well as refining of existing ones. Tasks and their degrees of fulfilment are the ones to be measured in the distribution of wealth. Rewards for tasks fulfilled must help people satisfy their Abraham Maslow’s“Hierarchy of Needs.”

Subtraction of Disparity:
There should be subtraction of disparity within society. “Subtraction of greed” assumes that greed is okay if it is not that much! There should be zero greed and a full amount of charity. No matter how much you declare your Love, if you do not share it, it might as well be Hate!

If you follow Frank A Hilario’s Mathematics of Life, you already have embedded true love, with which you already have humility and so on and so forth!

Now that I have come up with my own version of The Mathematics of Life, I am borrowing from the genius Albert Einstein’s famous formula E = mc2. Love is defined mathematically as:

E = mc2
Empathy equals Much multiplied by the speed of Care squared!

That makes love renewable and society sustainable.

You define your Love according to the riches that you share. If you can’t share, the Love you have is only Self Love.@517


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