11 July 2021

Bangsamoro Regional R&D Agenda – They Forgot Entrepreneurship & Credit?

Initially, since Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) is culturally different from the rest of the Philippines, they should have thought of these: clear BARMM Vision and Mission.

Towards harnessing the energies of science, ANN says the BARMM conducted a 2-day consultation workshop on the way to crafting the BARMM R&D agenda (Author Not Named, 01-02 July 2021, “Bangsamoro Crafts First BARMM Research And Development Agenda[1],NRCP.dos.gov.ph):

The National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) joined forces with the Ministry of Science and Technology-BARMM (MoST-BARMM) in holding the two-day multisectoral consultative workshop as a primary stepping stone in the formulation of the R&D agenda (for) the region.

As the above multiple-face image indicates, consultation was virtual. ANN says:

Bangsamoro leaders, researchers, scientists, and artists joined hands in crafting the first… research and development (R&D) agenda to strengthen research culture, capacity, and ethos in the region.

Sorry, ANN’s headline is misleading – “Bangsamoro Crafts First BARMM Research And Development Agenda” – it was a consultation for the crafting and not the crafting itself of the R&D Agenda.

And thus, the consultative workshop was designed to craft the agenda “to strengthen research culture, capacity, and ethos in the region.” That reminds me; in fact, the strengthening of culture, capacity and ethos must be carried out in all regions of the Philippines.

The workshop was led by NRCP Mindanao Regional Cluster Chair Ephrime Metillo, who “provided an inclusive environment that facilitated local and scientific collaborations among six (6) core groups in BARMM: (1) academe, (2) local government units (LGUs), (3) the business and industries, (4) national government agencies and civil society organizations (CSOs), (5) ministries and top offices, and (6) the Ulamas and Alimas, the male and female Bangsamoro scholars in Islam and Islamic law.”

Cristine D Villagonzalo, Vice President of the NRCP, said that via the workshop, the Bangsamoro people were going to raise the status of scientific disciplines and related professions in BARMM (edited):

We are in a country (that), although we have rich human resources, we have limited funding resources, (yet) we can overcome this, (which is) what we are doing today by (pooling) expertise and resources and cultivating the spirit of commitment, enthusiasm, and volunteerism.

We have rich human resources, Ms Cristine said, but we have limited funding resources; so, even as they pool expertises, they must pool funds.

Based on Ms Cristine’s remarks, even as the R&D Agenda is yet to be crafted, refined and finalized, as a loyal practitioner of my own theory of communication for development (ComDev), circa 1980, I can see that the BARMM Agenda needs to add the “Cultivation of Entrepreneurship” with “Provision of Credit” because:

The combined experience of R&D agencies in the non-BARMM regions has neglected the cultivation of entrepreneurship accompanied with immeasurable support of credit from government agencies! Let not BARMM make that huge mistake.

It is only now, with the advent of the servant leadership of Secretary of Agriculture William Dar, that entrepreneurship with credit is being pursued with vigor in the many regions of the Philippines.@517


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