17 July 2024

We Should Protect Artists From AI Misconduct – Better, We Should Discover More Human/e Intelligences (HI)

 As you can see in the image above, there is artificial intelligence (AI) misappropriating a human artwork: “Bini” has been copied with minimal changes and presented as original work by AI – as reported by Bini owner Art of Maku (Alyssa Fernandez, “Filipino Artist Raises Alarm On AI’s Role In Art, Advocates For Artists’ Rights” (16 July 2024, Inquirer.Net, pop.inquirer.net).

Thus, Ms Alyssa says: “In the contemporary art world, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked a heated debate regarding its ethical implications and impact on traditional artists.”

Ethics and impact: To parody a favorite song by Nat King Cole: “Bini a tear has to fall / But it’s not all in the game.” To be blunt about it, artificial intelligence is stealing from human creative intelligence!

I am writing from the prospective of a UP Los Baños (UPLB) graduate BSA major in Ag Edu, with the distinction of being the one-and-only “Outstanding Alumnus For Creative Writing” in the entire century that UP Los Baños has existed. Am I teaching you anything yet?

And now with AI disturbing the peace (and pieces) of our artists, here is my creative teaching advocacy:

If only to fight AI, teach Human/e Intelligences (HI) from Grade School to Grad School – so that each learner, young or old, may discover one’s genius residing in one’s young or old self.

My advocacy of HI is based on the theory of “Multiple Intelligences (MI)” by Harvard professor Howard Gardner. List below: Note that to the gardner’s list of MI 9, I have added “3. Creative Intelligence (Thinking Smart).”

1. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (“Body Smart”)
2. Creative Intelligence (“Thinking Smart”)
3. Existential Intelligence (“Life Smart”)
4. Interpersonal Intelligence (“People Smart”)
5. Intrapersonal Intelligence (“Self Smart”)
6. Mathematical-Logical Intelligence (“Number/Reasoning Smart”)
7. Musical Intelligence (“Music Smart”)
8. Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”)
9. Spatial Intelligence (“Image Smart”)
10. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence (“Word Smart”).

Image on top: AI is not creating art; it is simply copying art and modifying it a little; it may look more beautiful, but AI is still intellectual stealing! Or should I say robbery.

Again from Ms Alyssa:

The recent post by Art of Maku poignantly illustrates the frustrations and concerns of artists who find their work being appropriated and transformed by AI technologies, often without proper credit or compensation. This article delves into the issues raised by Art of Maku, shedding light on the broader implications for the art community.

I say, “Fight AI with HI!”  Let our schools help learners themselves discover where one’s particular genius lies. Let there be short courses on HI, even digital sessions.

For each learner, HI will be the most pleasant discovery of oneself by oneself!

And no more “Intelligent Quotient” tests! Intelligence is not only 1 but 10 intelligences; see above HI list again. With HI, “walang bubo” (“nobody’s dumb”) – except that the “dumb” one’s intelligence has not been discovered yet.

If we teachers are truly intelligent, we will help all students discover their own personal intelligence. The best is yet to be!@517

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