26 July 2024

A climate blogger, I must congratulate Earth Journalism Network (EJN) for sponsoring a media program it calls “Earth Shorts,” which is on “Climate Resilience” – right now, EJN is “calling on social media (video) content producers in the Philippines to participate.” EJN says, “Earth Shorts is a double opportunity: training and grant.” Deadline for application: Tuesday, 30 July 2024, 11:59 PM.

Why is EJN into this? It says:

… Social media influencers can shape political decisions, engage their followers on civic issues and motivate action.

Social media has power to influence public action like print media has never seen before!

On the other hand, under pressure from platform algorithms to produce frequent and "clickbaity" content, and often ill-equipped with factchecking skills – particularly relevant when discussing science-based issues such as climate impacts and solutions – they are both vulnerable to and can also be disseminators of mis- and disinformation when engaging with their followers.

Thus the need for guidance such as from EJN.

 In view of these challenges and opportunities, EJN is piloting an initiative to strengthen the quality of actionable climate information on social media platforms – and consequently, deepen public engagement with local, national and regional climate issues. We aim to do so by strengthening the climate knowledge and resources of social media content producers.

I note – EJN’s focus is on “Climate Resilience.”

The London School of Economics and Political Science says (lse.ac.uk):

‘Adaptation’ and ‘resilience’ are often used interchangeably in policy and academic discourse, and while they are complementary concepts, there are important differences in these terms. At its most basic, adaptation refers to a process or action that changes a living thing so that it is better able to survive in a new environment, whereas resilience describes the capacity or ability to anticipate and cope with shocks, and to recover from their impacts in a timely and efficient manner.

EJN’s Earth Shorts is going after “resilience” – I, a self-appointed journalist in pursuit of “Communication For Development Of Vibrant Villages” as my blog title states, am going after “adaptation.” That is to say, I do not want to change the crops; rather, I want to change the technology of how the crops are grown, via:
(image sources: top ftoolkit.climate.gov, bottom canvas.eee.uci.edu)

1, Cover Cropping
2, Crop Rotation
3, Farm Crops + Tree Crops (Agroforestry)
4, Green Manuring
5, Intercropping
6, Multiple Cropping
7, No-Till Farming
8, Organic Fertilization
9, Ratooning
10, Rotational Grazing
11, “Three Sisters” Planting
12, Trap Cropping
13, Trash Mulching.

More to the point: While EJN by default accepts Climate Change as a fact of life and modern Chemical Agriculture (CA) not connected when it comes to Climate Change, I do not! Sorry to say.

The only climate adaptation that I will accept is to reject Chemical Agriculture and inject Regenerative Agriculture. CA generates greenhouse gases (GHGs), and the GHGs generate Climate Change! RA generates zero GHGs and instead generates healthy soils, healthy foods, healthy incomes, healthy villages – if we engage in RA, Climate Change will go the way of the dodo!@517

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