15 April 2024

Your Life Is Precious – So Are The Lives/Loves Of Others You May Not Know!

This blog of mine, “Communication For The Development Of Vibrant Villages,” has a slogan, which is “Live And Let Live” (blogspot.com), and I want to explain it now – because it is the one that I think of first before I write my essay for this blog.

ANN says the proverb means: “Run your own life the way you want to, and let others do the same; be tolerant of differences” (Author Not Named, undated, BookBrowse, bookbrowse.com).

Noted, that. Personally, an agriculturist (UP Los Baños Ag Ed 1965), I take it to mean much, much more than that, because I am aware that humans are not alone in Mother Nature, that when we do agriculture, we are dealing with a million lives! And these lives are as important in the workings of the world as our lives are – whether we realize it or not, our lives depend on those lives in many ways. Mother Nature exists for us – we must exist for Mother Nature.

The image above, from BookBrowse, bookbrowse.com), says more: “Live, Love, Explore, Travel, Laugh, Infinite, Venture, Everyone.” No exceptions!

People, aside from people, “Live and let live” is how I see the workings of what has been termed as “Regenerative Agriculture” and which is essentially “organic” in nature.

“Chemical Agriculture” (CA), the current worldwide mode, is the exact opposite of organic agriculture. With chemical fertilizer, the farmer kills the microorganisms in the soil – the farmer does NOT live and let live! With chemical pesticides, the farmer kills the organisms, micro and macro, who feed on the crops because they are “delicious” – they contain the unnatural chemicals that the farmer has introduced through his chemical fertilizers. The farmer thus becomes his own farming enemy. RA saves the farmer from his destructive self!

I like to repeat my list of 13 RA:

1, Compost application
2, Cover cropping
3, Crop rotation
4, Farm crops + tree crops
5, Green manuring
6, Intercropping
7, Multiple cropping
8, No-till farming
9, Organic fertilization
10, Ratooning
11, “Three Sisters”
12, Trap cropping
13, Trash mulching.

About the broad subject, Michelle Metech says (Britannica, britannica.com):

Regenerative agriculture, alternative to modern industrial agriculture that prioritizes conserving and rehabilitating the land, tailoring specific practices to local ecosystems and climates. As with sustainable agriculture, regenerative agriculture focuses on reducing the impact of production on the land, but regenerative farming goes further by also actively improving the health of the soil. According to an estimate by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, more than half of farmland around the world is degraded. Regenerative practices help protect farmers’ livelihoods, the global food supply, biodiversity, and the health of the planet.

According to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) group, if large-scale regenerative agricultural practices were applied worldwide, greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture could be greatly reduced,

About greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, do you believe the UNCCD or not? My guess: Differently, you believe in Chemical Agriculture, so I say, “You have the right to be wrong!”@517

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