24 December 2023

Calls For Revolution – 1993 Martin L Gross For A Modern American Civil War, 2023 Pope Francis For Worldwide Christian Reformation

The American Call: 30 years ago, Martin L Gross, a bestselling author and critic of US government, wrote the book “A Call For Revolution” subtitled “How Government Is Strangling America – And How To Stop It” (books.google.com.ph). It was going to be bloody, but the call fell on deaf American ears. 
(“Call For Revolution” from etsy.com)

The New Worldwide Call: Pope Francis, head of the Roman Catholic church all over the world, is calling for a Christian Revolution worldwide – via his Christmas 2023 message, the way I read it, to all Christians, no matter the denomination: “We need modern saints, twenty-first century saints with a spirituality embedded in our time” (m.facebook.com). “Impossible! you say. You forget: “With God, nothing is impossible.”

I am reading the Facebook sharing of Jovita Corpuz Saturday, 23 Dec 2023, simply titled: “POPE FRANCIS SAID.” It is all of 313 words, including title; Megan Bryant says “The 313 angel number is a powerful message from the universe that signifies progress.” But, I say, “Progress will not come if Man ignores the message.”

I know praying is not enough! We must act out the love. That is what Pope Francis is trying to say:

We Need Saints

We need saints without veil, without toner. We need saints in jeans and sneakers.

We need saints who will go to the movies, listen to music, and stroll with their friends.

We need saints who put God first and excel in University.

We need saints who find time to pray every day and know how to fall in love with purity and chastity, or consecrate their chastity.

We need modern saints, twenty-first century saints with a spirituality embedded in our time.

We need saints committed to the poor and necessary social change.

We need saints who live in the world, who get holy in the world, and who are not afraid to live in the world.

We need saints who drink Coke and eat hot dogs, who are netizens, who listen to iPod.

We need saints who love the Eucharist and are not ashamed to drink a beer or eat pizza on the weekend with friends.

We need saints who like cinema, theatre, music, dance, sports.

We need social saints, open, normal, friends, cheerful, companions.

We need saints who are in the world and who can taste the pure and good things of the world, but without being worldly."

This is supposed to be us!!!

Pope Francis says: “Everyone is called to be a Saint.” Everyone of us. No exceptions. Rich or poor.

Pope Francis: “We need saints who are in the world and who can taste the pure and good things of the world, but without being worldly."

Frank A Hilario: Pope Francis is calling for pure love. I simplify loving as being kind, learning from Plato (Greek, 423-348 BC): “Be kind. Every person you meet is fighting a difficult battle.” Now then: “We need saints who practice Christian love by simply being kind whatever the circumstances.”@517

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