10 November 2021

USAID – For Climate Resilience, Think Primate Change Via Regenerative Agriculture!

USAID Partnerships: First of all, are you communicating? “Climate resilience” is not a topic you can easily talk about over a hot cup of coffee. For you, it is easier to raise a million dollars than raise consciousness on such an esoteric topic even among educated Filipino Internet, nay Facebook hounds!
(inset, USAID image[1] from Workwithusaid.org)

Climate resilience? Tara Yarlagadda says, “These 5 Resilient Cities Can Teach Us How To Survive The Climate Crisis[2]” (09 October 2021, Inverse.com):

5. Fukuoka, Japan
4. Chicago, USA
3. Rotterdam, Netherlands
2. Ahmedabad, India
1. Copenhagen, Denmark

I find that these city models have overall efforts that are too small or hardly earthshaking!

What everyone knows as “climate change” is the unstoppable unusually devastating weather.

Yes Sir, Mr USAID, you are starting from scratch in the Philippines working on Climate Resilience.

I’m thinking cooperative. Right now, what I can do is propose that you USAID fund a 5 million-dollar ($5M) project engaging in my hometown Asingan, Pangasinan the Nagkaisa Multi-Purpose Cooperative, with me as a board member, to:
(1) build a digital “What USAID Knows” library of the philosophy, principles, practices and protocols for climate change starting with Regenerative Agriculture (RA);
(2) publish a monthly digital magazine “PH Primate Change,” and
(3) conduct trainings on RA.

The digital magazine PH Primate Change will help Nagkaisa help PH government departments and local government units (LGUs) implement particular levels of climate resiliency projects and efforts without USAID’s physical presence in the LGUs.

I will be the Resident GrandMindster. Know that I am an alumnus of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), BS Agriculture, graduating with a 2.36 weighted average; Civil Service Professional: self-taught digital writer turning into a work-from home International Consulting Writer for ICRISAT 2007-2014, which published 7 books of mine; editor & publisher, and an indefatigable blogger. (You can begin to check me out with my brief Profile in my current blog; simply Ctrl+clickthis link: Communication For Development.)

The USAID Climate Change Library will provide farmer-friendly digital knowledge on regenerative agriculture, and the project will fund several characteristic RA farms in pilot provinces in the Philippines.

Climate resiliency? These are mentioned by Ms Yara above what “resilient cities” are doing to “survive the climate crisis”:

5. Fukuoka, Japan – urban green spaces
4. Chicago, USA – vertical farms & green stormwater infrastructure
3. Rotterdam, Netherlands – “waterscapes” (instead of landscapes) to contain flood waters
2. Ahmedabad, India – “cool roofs”
1. Copenhagen, Denmark – “bikes preferred over cars” so that 49% of trips to the city now occurs on bikes.

Now then, what I can say is that those 5 cities are only scratching the surface of climate change – They are missing on the primordial single factor of climate change: Modern agriculture!

This is a UPLB agriculturist and warrior writer speaking, as early as 9 years ago already blogging about it: “Resilient As Ilocanos. Climate Change & The Wheel Of Science,” 19 June 2012, A Magazine Called Love, Blogspot.com).

USAID, my challenge to you is: Fund Primate Change via Regenerative Agriculture!@517



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