03 March 2021

PH Secretary Of Agriculture Minding Facebook, Maximizing His Media Of Exposure

Aren’t they lovely? Both images issued at different times via Facebook by PH Secretary of Agriculture William Dar, and who thereby proves to me he has a beautiful mind! Look at the above images again (exclude my logo of Hope) – stunning together, beautiful individually, distinctly. 

I saw the bottom image in a Facebook sharing by Mr Dar on Monday, 22 February 2021, the top image weeks ago. It’s a visual show of intellectual growth. The 2 figures portray the OneDA Approach of the Philippine Department of Agriculture (DA) as a uni-view of the strategies for the whole DA to help in “transforming Philippine Agriculture” from poor to rich, to “Masaganang Ani At Malaki Ang Kita” (“Bountiful Harvests & Bounteous Income,” my translation).

The lower image is supposed to replace the upper, but I love both the images and have to present them together to drive home a point:

OneDA is moving Heaven and Earth to help bring about PH Agriculture from compromised to promising, from despaired to inspired, from bad to good to better to best!

Not so clear because of size, but from 12 there are now 17 strategies in the OneDA Approach, that is, including the necessary Strategic Communication Support For All:


1.     Bayanihan Agri Clusters

2.     Province-Led Agriculture & Fisheries Extension System

3.     Collective Action/Cooperative Development

4.     Mobilization and Empowerment of Partners

5.     Diversification

6.     Credit Support


7.     Technology & Innovation Including Digital Agriculture

8.     Farm Mechanization & Infrastructure Investments

9.     Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Measures

10. Food Safety & Regulations


11. Agri Industrial Business Corridors

12. Global Trade, Export Development & Promotion

13. Postharvest, Processing, Logistics & Marketing Support


14. Agriculture Career System

15. Education & Training: Agribusiness Management

16. Ease of Doing Business & Transparent Procurement

Strategic Communication Support for All.

All 17 make a combined guide for all members of the very large OneDA family, with 17 attached bodies:

Attached agencies (9): Agricultural Credit Policy Council, Fertilizer & Pesticide Authority, National Fisheries Research & Development Institute, National Meat Inspection Service, Philippine Carabao Center, Philippine Center for Agriculture & Fisheries, Philippine Center for Postharvest Development & Mechanization, Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority, and Philippine Rubber Research Institute.

Attached corporations (8): National Dairy Authority, National Food Authority, National Tobacco Administration, Philippine Coconut Authority, Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation, Philippine Fisheries Development Authority, PhilRice, and Sugar Regulatory Administration,

Not to forget that I meant this to be an unintentional but dramatic Facebook lesson coming from PH Secretary of Agriculture William Dar:

Mr Secretary knows that Filipinos are the World’s #1 Facebook users! You go where your target audiences congregate and there you pontificate, sometimes vaguely, sometimes widely, but always surely.

In 2020, there were 77.85 million Filipinos who were users of Facebook[1] – that data implies only 1 single visit, and I know for a fact that we visit Facebook many times a day, especially now with the lockdown and restrictions in physical movement.

Quiet lesson from our Secretary of Agriculture? Facebook is the best social media there is!@517


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