18 November 2019

Newton's Diet Did Not Make Him A Genius – We Are All Geniuses. We Just Have To Use Our Brains!

John Thompson writes about Isaac Newton becoming smarter because of his diet ("The Secret To Isaac Newton's Accomplishments Has Finally Been Revealed...[1]" (Newton's image from Twitter[2]). Researching, Mr Thompson's team found out that Mr Newton had a daily regimen of wild Atlantic salmon and broth. Mr Thompson says that they found both the salmon and broth were "packed with (a) high density of Vitamin B and rare magnesium (that) significantly increases the brain's function." Mr Thompson says:

Therefore, by consuming these nutrients, our brain develops more glial cells (that) trigger the release of neurotransmitters, to promote the development of red blood cells that carry oxygen to the brain.

Diet to promote red blood cells that carry oxygen to the brain. Then what? Mr Thompson says:

This causes the memory stored in the hippocampus in the brain to be strengthened while supporting the brain function. In other words, one (becomes) smarter! This was how he was able to think with such imagery and abstraction.

So, with your Newton diet, your brain has more oxygen, your memory is strengthened – but, Mr Thompson, that does not equate to you being smarter! My own genius tells me that.

Let me remind you, Mr Thompson, that there are 2 kinds of thinking: critical thinking, and creative thinking. You need creative thinking to come up with your theory; you need critical thinking to explain your theory.

Perhaps a stronger memory means better critical or logical reasoning. But not creative thinking. Let me tell you now, Mr Thompson; I am a creative writer, and my own genius has produced at least 5,000 long essays, an average of more than 1,000 words each, which I have blogged since 2005. I am the most prolific writer nonfiction online. And those works of mine say:

Creative genius does not require memory!
It is the absence of logic, absence of order.
It is the mind unleashed.

You have your genius, Mr Thompson, and I have mine. My creative thinking genius tells me that:

First, Mr Newton came up with each of his theories not by critical thinking but by creative thinking.

Next, Mr Newton sought to elaborate on each theory by logical thinking.

No, content of the brain does not equate to creativity, to the coming out with a theory, any theory, whether earth-shaking or group-liberating.

No, Mr Newton's diet did notadd to this thinking, only to more oxygen to his brain and enthusiasm to work out his theories. Genius is not in the diet but in the man, and then again, in how one uses critical thinking and creative thinking.

Mr Thompson says:

The true genius of (Newton's) work is how he took those theories and applied them to the universe at large, in a way that had never been done before.

The true genius of Mr Newton was how often he used his genius. The same with us; we should use our genius often! This is a genius often speaking.@517

[2] https://twitter.com/isaacnewtinho/status/666399069988888576

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