04 September 2019

William Dar – The New Moses With The New Tablets!

He is a Filipino; he is the new PH Secretary of Agriculture, William Dar, who was the longest-staying Director General of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, ICRISAT, based in India, from 2000 to 2014. ICRISAT's commandment at that time? "Science with a human face." What was God's Ten Commandments all about? I say, it was "Spirit with a human face!"

To understand in one sitting Mr Dar as the new Moses, I recommend that you read my new ebook, Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained, with 79 precision short essays of exactly 517 words each including title – where you can find what I call The Gospel Of The Eight Paradigms (page 7 in the book); imagine 2 tablets with 4 entries each, not unlike the above image of Moses with the modern tablets! (image from Jaime Peterson, pinterest.ph).

Not a paradigm, you can get my real ebook free via email, frankahilario@gmail.com, up to midnight of 17 September 2019, after which I will charge US$17 or P900 a copy (pdf).

Right now, I can see those tablets that the modern Moses now holds presage the appearance from the new PH DA those tablets of Mr Dar's 8 paradigms:

(1) Modernizing agriculture.
(2) Industrializing agriculture.

(3) Promoting exports.
(4) Consolidating the farms.
(5) Developing roadmaps.
(6) Building infrastructure.
(7) Having higher budgets and investments for agriculture.
(8) Having legislative support.

Paradigms? Consider them commandments, because they are! Mr Dar labels himself a Servant-Leader – so, we must follow the leader!

If you think of those 8 paradigms in terms of modern tablets for farmers, you are smart. Broadly, 17 years ago, that was already what was in the mind of Mr Dar when in 2003 he recommended the adoption of the Open Academy for Philippine Agriculture, OpAPA, for PH R&D agencies.  

Says C Marquez Jr (17 November 2004, "Open Academy for Philippine Agriculture," The Natural Resource Management Network, comminit.com):

As one organizer put it… "And this shall give them options, a basket of technologies, information that shall empower farmers to make better decisions…

Yes, but I already had that idea for OpAPA a year before!

As a PhilRice consultant at its headquarters in the Science City of Muñoz in Nueva Ecija. I came up with an ebook titled The Geography Of Knowledge; I said in my 07 September 2018 essay, "Big Data Beyond EXPLOREit@ICRISAT" (Creative Thinkering, creativethinkering.blogspot.com):

In 2003, I already had that idea in my mind and, to prove such a claim, I still have the digital book I wrote singlehandedly, all 198 pages of it, a total of 47,505 words, in pdf, titled The Geography Of Knowledge and subtitled What You Seek Is What You Get!

I submitted that ebook, my proposal to get OpAPA off the ground and into the digital world, with PhilRice as the base of operations for all aggie bodies in the Philippines. Actually, over the years, I have thought OpAPA out of my mind. Nonetheless, I still have that ebook, am now dreaming of tablets to help Filipino farmers decide for themselves!@517

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