06 September 2019

Senior Global Best Teacher Prize, Homeschool Category: That Belongs To Frank A Hilario!

Top image, that's junior math & physics teacher Peter Tabichi of Kenya winning the Global Teacher Prize for 2019 (Busani Bafana, "World's Best Teacher Prize And One Million Dollars Awarded To Kenyan Teacher From Impoverished Community," 25 March 2019, IPS, (ipsnews.net). 

Bottom image, 21 April 2018; that's senior me with the white hair on the right, inside a collage that I had caused while tweaking Windows 10. Yes, on my own, I have learned to tweak Windows 10 to get the speed I want, or effects.

Peter is 36; I am almost 79. They should have a Senior Global Best Teacher Prize, Homeschool Category, and I should win it!

I am a certified teacher, Professional level, passing the very first PH Teacher's Exam in 1964, at 80.6%, Good.

About the million-dollar prize, Peter says, "I cannot believe it. This is a motivation for teachers in Kenya, Africa and the world. It affirms that teaching is the best profession and I will continue to make a change by teaching."

It is a motivation for me, a teacher in the Philippines. But money is not everything.

I myself feel that once a teacher, always a teacher! Senior, continuously growing older with digital.

Peter's school has only 1 desktop computer and 1 lousy Internet connection. Nonetheless, he uses information & communication technology, ICT, in 70% of his lessons "to engage students," visiting Internet cafes elsewhere to cache online contents for his offline ICT instruction ("Peter Tabichi," Global Teacher Prizeglobalteacherprize.org).

Peter says:

Seeing my learners grow in knowledge, skills and confidence is my greatest joy in teaching! When they become resilient, creative and productive…, I get a lot of satisfaction for I act as their… key that unlocks their potential in the most exciting manner.

Exciting potentials! The Seniors need to be reminded of theirs; I am here.

The Global Teacher Prize profile of Peter says:

Through making his students believe in themselves, Peter has dramatically improved his pupils' achievement and self-esteem… In 2017, only 16 out of 59 students went on to college, while in 2018, 26 students went to university and college.

I leave Peter to the Juniors and their dream of college. Senior citizen Frank will take care of the Seniors, newly retired or any age above retirement. Digital, homeschool.

I am self-taught digital, so online home-to-home I can teach you any of these: creative writing, editing, and desktop publishing. I can mentor seniors writing speeches, lectures, preparing PowerPoint presentations, brochures, newsletters, magazines, writing biographies, even blogging.

With 30 plus books I have authored and/or edited & desktop-published, add about 10 ebooks, including The Beauty & The Best (Catriona Gray), and Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained (new PH Agriculture) – you can email for free copies.

Note: I'm almost 79 and 100% digital.
Any of the above should fill Seniors' hearts to the max.
If I can do it, they can do it!

I can teach seniors digitally, learning on their own free time in the comforts of their own homes! Email me if interested, frankahilario@gmail.com@517

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