01 August 2019

Vs Climate Change, We Don't Need Science – We Need Selflessness, Generosity & Activism!

Vs Climate Change, we must do Primate Change. 

I just saw that Facebook sharing of an image by Dino Opena and it opened my primate eyes:

I used to think the top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change. ¶ I thought that with 30 years of good science we could address those problems. ¶ But I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy… ¶ And to deal with those, we need a spiritual and cultural transformation. ¶ – and we scientists don't know how to do that.

It's James Gustav "Gus" Speth saying that. ANN says Gus Speth is founder of the World Resources Institute; co-founder of the Natural Resources Defense Council – he is a lawyer (Author Not Named, "Gus Speth Calls for a 'New' Environmentalism," 13 February 2015, Living On Earth,  loe.org). So! This is 4-year old news; but thank you, Dino for opening my eyes again!

As I have just found out too, Gus Speth's Eureka Moment that led to his call for a "New Environmentalism" happened more than 10 years ago. In her 2010 article in The Miami Herald, Courtney Woo says (18 February 2010, "Religion Rejuvenates Environmentalism," fore.yale.edu), "Evangelical pastor Ken Wilson's environmental conversion began a few years ago with goose bumps, watery eyes and an appeal for help." Yes, a few years before 2010, Mr Wilson heard Gus Speth, then Dean of Forestry at Yale University, say to a group of religious leaders, what I quoted above (partly seen in the image above).

I woke up to the reality of climate change in 2007 myself, I remembered I had a blog called Primate Change, where I published copies of my own articles when I was still writing for American Chronicle (which went thataway), published free, starting 04 February 2007.

But I did not come to the spiritual awakening that happened to Gus Speth. However, I say, at 78 going on 79 in September, I say, "It's never too late to grow up even when you've grown old!" 

Did you notice? Gus Speth's jump from understanding the world using Science to understanding the world using Sense or Spirit, occurred not by critical thinking but by creative thinking! Creativity covers the world.

Now then, since we are denying that science can solve the environmental crisis, Gus Speth's call for "A New Environmentalism" is still too much Science and not enough God-Sense (my coinage). I quote again: "The top problems… are selfishness, greed and apathy." Therefore, the new call must be for something like this:

A New Evangelism.

Rather than:
Selfishness, Greed, Apathy – SGA. It should be the exact opposites:
Selflessness, Generosity, Activism – SGA.

In the New Evangelism, we must practice Selflessness first, then Generosity, then Activism – SGA. On with SGA! Let not our spirits SAG; rather, let us step on the GAS!

Let us overpower selfishness; cultivate our generosity; and show the world, one  soul at a time, a good Christian example of a living soul:

Do not just quote the Bible – live it!@517

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